Ronald lauder biography, life, interesting facts

Лаудер, рональд

Канал 10

Лаудер участвовал в нескольких крупных сделках со СМИ в Израиле, среди которых была покупка части коммерческого телевидения. Канал 10.

В сентябре 2011 года израильские СМИ опубликовали сообщения о том, что Лаудер оказал сильное давление на руководство канала, чтобы оно принесло бизнесмену личные извинения. Шелдон Адельсон Что касается профиля, который канал транслировал в январе 2011 года. В извинениях говорилось: «После трансляции материала мы проверили обвинения. Наши проверки показали, что обвинения были — и остаются — полностью ложными … Мы очень сожалею, что мы не проверили эти обвинения перед их трансляцией ». Принуждение Лаудера к форме извинения привело к отставке руководителя отдела новостей канала Реудора Бензимана, его редактора новостей Рути Юваля и ведущего Гая Зохара (который продолжает в другом сообщении на канале 10), которые раскритиковали Лаудера за оказанное давление. . Из-за описанных выше атак на Лаудера (который до этого был последним крупным спонсором канала) он решил пересмотреть свою финансовую поддержку. Если канал потеряет финансирование, ему будет сложно продолжать работать в соответствии с текущими стандартами после октября 2011 года.

3 ноября 2011 г. Второй орган телевидения и радио достигли решения по этому вопросу, в котором он решил, что извинения перед Адельсоном, транслируемые каналом, были уместными и что «не было представлено никаких доказательств того, что акционеры 10-го канала вмешивались в новый контент или даже текст извинения, которые были согласованы между новостной компанией и человеком, пострадавшим в результате трансляции «.


As an article in the New York Times recalls, before being called in 1985 by the President of the United States Ronald Reagan to fill the position of ambassador to Austria (1986-1987), Lauder was a manager of the family company and an important fundraiser for Republicans in New York.

From 1983 to 1896, he also held the position of US Deputy Secretary of Defense for European and NATO policy. Previously, adds the NYT quoting the words of Lauder’s mother – «a good friend of Nancy Reagan» – Ronald had turned down the offer to become ambassador to Jamaica.

In 1989 he challenged Rudy Giuliani in the race for mayor of New York, for which he spent 14 million dollars , but failed in the enterprise.

Israel Lobby and Foreign Policy

In 1987, Lauder established the Ronald S. Lauder Foundation, a philanthropic organization. The foundation also supports student exchange programs between New York and various capitals in Central and Eastern Europe.

Lauder is actively involved in lobby and other organisations, including the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, the Jewish National Fund, the World Jewish Congress, the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, the Anti-Defamation League, the Jewish Theological Seminary, Brandeis University, and the Abraham Fund. With his brother he founded the Lauder Institute at Wharton School. Lauder has also served as a Finance Chairman of the New York State Republican Committee. In 2003 Lauder founded and became a president of Lauder Business School in Vienna, Austria.

Lauder was elected President of the World Jewish Congress on June 10, 2007, beating the South African businessman Mendel Kaplan and Einat Wilf of Israel by a clear margin. As WJC President, he has met with a number of heads of state and government, including German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Pope Benedict XVI, Italian President Giorgio Napolitano, Austrian Chancellor Alfred Gusenbauer, Czech President Vaclav Klaus, Hungarian Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsany and Swiss President Pascal Couchepin. Lauder has been strongly critical of business deals by European energy firms with Iran and called for stronger UN sanctions because of Tehran’s threat against Israel and its nuclear program.

Tom Ford is the brand

Leaving a namesake brand hasn’t always panned out well. Rebecca Taylor left her post as creative director in her namesake company in 2019, and earlier this year, its owner Vince shut the brand down. Years after Calvin Klein sold his company in 2002, the company has pared down ambitions, closing its ready-to-wear and .

But the threat of winding down is small. Ford’s business should only grow, considering Estée Lauder has held its hand since the start. And a celebrity in his own right, Ford is staying at the helm for another year.

“But if Mr. Ford were to leave after next year, whether the business can stay as buzzy without the man himself as the wizard behind the curtain is another question,” a New York Times article asks.


Ford, 61, has donned many hats throughout his long and diverse career and become a household name in the process. He broke onto the scene as the designer who reinvented Gucci, where he met De Sole. During his stint at the fashion house, he also briefly led Yves Saint Laurent. Moving away from fashion, he debuted the eponymous fragrance Tom Ford in 2005. He was also the chairman of the Council of Fashion Designers of America for three years, before stepping down in May. Separately, he launched a second career in Hollywood as writer and director for movies like A Single Man (2009) and Nocturnal Animals (2016).

While Ford may do just fine without his brand, whether or not buyers and investors can detach the brand from him remain to be seen.

Bobbi Brown, who sold her brand to Estée Lauder two decades ago and walked away from it in 2016, says she’s still regularly stopped by shoppers, asking her to change or add products. Founders bring emotional investment and creative élan to self-named companies that many corporate acquirers struggle to recreate, she says. (Bobbi Brown is doing just fine under Estée Lauder, clocking double digit growth in net sales still.)

Ronald lauder’s career

In 1964, Ronald Lauder started his professional career at his parents’ company, Estee Lauder Company. He acquired the fundamentals of running a successful business from his parents, whom he had closely observed since he was a child.

From a young age, he was interested in politics and political engagement. He was appointed as the US Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for European and NATO Affairs in 1983, a post he held until 1986.
President Ronald Reagan selected him as the United States ambassador to Austria in 1986. In this capacity, he established strong diplomatic ties between the two countries and personally condemned Kurt Waldheim, the Austrian president at the time, who had a Nazi history.

While serving in Austria, he began researching his Judeo-Hungarian ancestors and learned that Jews were still present not only in Hungary but also throughout Central and Eastern Europe. His experiences in Austria deepened his passion for his Jewish history, and he determined to resurrect Jewish life in towns decimated by the Holocaust throughout Central and Eastern Europe.

Ronald Lauder has been a Republican since he was a small child. In 1989, he chose to run for mayor of New York City, but he was defeated in the Republican primary by Rudy Giuliani.

In 1998, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu requested that Lauder start Track II negotiations with Syrian President Hafez al-Asad. As a result of their conversations, Asad was willing to make sacrifices with the Israelis as part of a larger land-for-peace arrangement. This led to Israeli-Syrian talks at Shepherdstown, West Virginia, in January 2000, however they failed to produce any positive results.

From 1999 to 2001, Lauder served as Chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, demonstrating his commitment to Jewish interests.
Lauder, a well-known art collector, founded the Neue Galerie in New York in 2001. The museum is dedicated to early twentieth-century art from Germany and Austria, and it includes one of the best collections of Egon Schiele’s work in the world. He also owns the greatest private collection of medieval and Renaissance armor in the world.

Ronald Lauder has long been active in Jewish advocacy, therefore his election as President of the World Jewish Congress and President of the World Jewish Restitution Organization the following year came as no surprise. He is the Chairman of the Jewish Heritage Council as well.

Биографические сведения

Рональд Лаудер — второй сын Эстер Лаудер, родился в Нью-Йорке в 1944 году.

Учился в Уортонском колледже университета Пенсильвании (первая академическая степень). Некоторое время работал в косметической компании матери Estée Lauder, Inc. Рональд Лаудер работал председателем Lauder International, но позже ушёл, чтобы использовать свои знания на государственной работе.

Лаудер занимал должность заместителя помощника министра обороны по делам НАТО с 1983 по 1986 год. С 1986 по 1987 год был послом США в Австрии.

В 1987 году он основал Фонд Рональда С. Лаудера, который сейчас поддерживает еврейские школы, лагеря и общинные центры в Австрии, Беларуси, Болгарии, Чехии, Германии, Греции, Венгрии, Польше, Румынии, Словакии и Украине.

В 1997 году Лаудер был избран президентом Еврейского национального фонда и после успешного 10-летнего пребывания на этом посту стал председателем правления. С 1999 по 2001 год он был председателем Конференции президентов крупных американских еврейских организаций.

Он стал председателем Clinique Laboratories в 1994 году и до сих (2022) пор занимает эту должность. В общей сложности Лаудер проработал членом совета директоров 40 лет. Он ушел в отставку в 2009 году, но был переизбран в совет директоров в 2016 году.

29 августа 1998 г. выступавший от имени тогдашнего премьер-министра Израиля Б. Нетаньяhу, с которым он был в тесных дружеских отношениях, Р. Лаудер передал сирийским руководителям проект мирного договора между двумя странами, одна из статей которого гласила:

Подробности миссии Р. Лаудера стали известны лишь в апреле 2001 г.

Лаудер принимает активное участие в работе многочисленных гражданских инициативах и организациях, включая Конференцию президентов Главных американских еврейских Организаций, Еврейский Национальный Фонд, Американский еврейский объединенный распределительный комитет «Джойнт», Антидиффамационную Лигу, Еврейскую Теологическую Семинарию, Университет Брандайза и Фонд Абрахама.

С 2007 г. работал в должности председателя Всемирного еврейского конгресса. В 2013 г. был избран на новый срок.

В 2011 году его отношения с Нетанияhу резко ухудшились. В конце 2010-х годов отношения между Лаудером и Нетанияhу были полностью прерваны.

Он считался близким к команде президента Трампа, с которым познакомился в университет, и активно занимался дипломатической деятельностью на Ближнем Востоке в 2017-2020 гг.

Также является председателем Мемориального фонда Аушвиц-Биркенау.

Любовь Лаудера к наследию и сохранению

Помимо своей коллекции произведений искусства, Рональд Лаудер продемонстрировал глубокую признательность за культурное наследие и его сохранение. Он активно участвовал в восстановлении исторических мест, особенно в Центральной и Восточной Европе, обеспечивая сохранение их культурной значимости для будущих поколений.

Своими усилиями Лаудер внес вклад в возрождение исторических памятников и сохранение культурных ценностей, имеющих большое значение для различных сообществ

Его приверженность сохранению наследия является свидетельством его веры в важность сохранения истории и обеспечения ее дальнейшего наследия

В заключение отметим, что жизнь и достижения Рональда Лаудера выходят далеко за рамки того, что кажется на первый взгляд. Вклад Лаудера, от его деловой хватки до страсти к искусству, филантропии и дипломатии, оставил неизгладимый след во многих сферах. Он продолжает вдохновлять своим стремлением изменить мир к лучшему.

Полезные ссылки:

Всемирный еврейский конгрессEstée LauderФонд Рональда С. ЛаудераКомпании Эсте Лаудер

Estée Lauder and Tom Ford, by the digits

$1.2 billion: newly minted billionaire Ford’s net worth after the deal

25%: Tom Ford Beauty net sales growth in the fiscal year ended June 30 compared to the prior year.

$25 million: Tom Ford’s limited-edition fragrance drop in 2017 called “Fucking Fabulous” amassed 50 times higher revenue than the projected $500,0000. The fragrance then became a permanent part of the collection.

150+: number of countries Estée lauder sells its skin care, makeup, fragrance, and hair care products under nearly two dozen brand names including Estée Lauder, Clinique, Bobbi Brown, Le Labo, and others.


$1 billion: how much Estée Lauder expects Tom Ford Beauty to earn in annual net sales the next few years


Today Lauder, with assets of $4.5 billion, is considered one of the richest men in the world.

President of the World Jewish Congress and Clinique Laboratories, member of the board of directors of Estée Lauder, philanthropist and art collector, according to Forbes he has amassed about 4,000 works of art worth at least $1 billion, in addition to also owning a remarkable collection of medieval armor and weapons dating back to the 3rd century BC

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL on Thu, 24 Nov 2022 11:38:28 +0000.


Ronald Lauder comes from the Jewish Lauder family and is the second son of Joseph Lauder and Estée Lauder . His older brother is Leonard A. Lauder . He studied at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and later at the Universities of Paris and Brussels. In the early 1980s, Lauder was Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for European and NATO policy in the United States Department of Defense . In 1986 Ronald Reagan appointed him as the successor to Helene von Damm as ambassador of the United States to Austria . After his return in 1987, he started working in the family business.

Forbes estimates his net worth at approximately $ 2.6 billion; according to the Forbes list of US dollar billionaires , it ranks 367th.

Ronald Lauder (third from left) at a rally against anti-Semitism in Berlin, September 2014

Politically, Lauder is a Republican and is close to the Israeli Likud . He applied for the office of Mayor of New York in 1989, but lost in the primary of his party to Rudy Giuliani . As a candidate for the Conservative Party of New York State , he still ran, but did not get beyond fourth place with 9,465 votes. During his time as US ambassador, he defended the entry ban for the then Austrian President Kurt Waldheim . Austria raised allegations of illegal export of images and complained about public appearances by the ambassador with bodyguards.

In 1987, Ronald Lauder founded the Ronald S. Lauder Foundation : a foundation with the aim of re-establishing Jewish life, especially in Eastern Europe. Schools and kindergartens have been opened in 16 countries — there are facilities in Warsaw, Minsk and Kiev, but also in Vienna and Berlin. In Austria she supports the Lauder-Chabad-Campus in Vienna, a Jewish educational institution from kindergarten to high school graduation ; since 1998 she has also financed the office of the Anti Defamation League in Europe, based in Vienna. In Germany she supports the Jewish teaching house on Berlin’s Rykestrasse and a Jewish elementary school (Lauder-Morijah-Schule / director Alexandra Lorenz-Still) in Cologne. In 1989, Lauder visited the Auschwitz concentration camp and has since supported the preservation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau memorial . Internationally, Lauder is committed to numerous other Jewish institutions.

Lauder is heavily involved in the return of art stolen during the Nazi era (restitution). He is Chairman of the Commission for Art Recovery, founded in 1997 . In June 2006 Lauder bought the portrait “ Adele Bloch-Bauer I ” painted in 1907 by Gustav Klimt for the Neue Galerie (New York) in Manhattan . The New York Times stated the purchase price was 135 million US dollars (106.7 million euros). Lauder acquired the painting Berlin Street Scene by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner , which was previously in the Berliner Brücke-Museum and was also restituted to Jewish heirs , for the Neue Galerie on November 8, 2006 for 38.1 million US dollars (29.7 million euros).

Lauder is involved in the media company Central European Media Enterprises (CME), which comprises 15 TV channels in Europe, annual sales 600 million dollars. Central European Media Enterprises are embroiled in an expensive legal dispute with the Czech state . At the former Checkpoint Charlie , Lauder was temporarily involved in a construction project, which he has since given up. He had also offered to invest in Tempelhof Airport and therefore criticized the Governing Mayor of Berlin for closing the airport. On the 50th anniversary of Nostra Aetate , Lauder was received by Pope Francis in the Vatican in 2015 .

Lauder married Jo Carole Knopf in 1967, with whom he has two daughters, Aerin and Jane. The couple has been separated since 2006.


Lauder is the son of Estée Lauder and Joseph Lauder, founders of Estée Lauder Companies, and the younger brother of Leonard Lauder, chairman of the board of the Estee Lauder company. He attended the Bronx High School of Science and holds a Bachelors degree in International Business from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

He studied at the University of Paris, and received a Certificate in International Business from the University of Brussels. He is married to Jo Carole Lauder and has two children, Aerin and Jane. Lauder started to work for the Estee Lauder Company in 1964. In 1983 he became a Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for European and NATO policy at The Pentagon.

In 1986 Ronald Reagan named him as the US ambassador to Austria, a position he held until 1987. As ambassador, he fired diplomatic officer Felix Bloch, who later became known in connection with the Robert Hanssen espionage case.

As a Republican, he made a bid to become the mayor of New York City in 1989, losing to Rudy Giuliani in the Republican primary. Lauder manages investments in real estate and media, such as Central European Media Enterprises and Israeli TV.

What’s a piece of beauty wisdom that’s been passed down to you over the years?

Less is more. I’ve heard it many times, since I was very young. The Cuban poet José Martí said, There’s nothing more beautiful in a woman than her own natural hair. It’s just the idea of being natural, fresh, and being comfortable in your own skin, with who you are, and in every moment in your life as you grow old, to feel comfortable with that. I think that brings out the beauty in a woman.

Jenna RosensteinBeauty Director

Jenna Rosenstein is the Beauty Director at Harper’s BAZAAR across both print and digital. While attending NYU, she held internships at Women’s Wear Daily, Bloomingdale’s, Harper’s BAZAAR, and Allure, the latter of which she parlayed into her first job as the Beauty Assistant. She left Allure three years later as the Senior Beauty Editor. She spent a few months at Refinery29 overseeing branded content in the same title, before finally landing back at BAZAAR to manage all beauty content. When she’s not testing every lipstick known to mankind, getting zapped by new lasers, or interviewing experts and celebrities, you can find Rosenstein at home in New Jersey with her son, husband, and black cat named Maddie.

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Channel 10

Lauder has participated in a number of large media deals in Israel, among which was his purchase of part of commercial television Channel 10.

In September 2011, Israeli media published accounts that Lauder had put heavy pressure on the executives of the channel to broadcast a personal apology to the businessman Sheldon Adelson with regard to a profile that the channel had broadcast in January 2011. The apology read, «After the broadcast of the piece, we checked the accusations. Our checks revealed that the accusations were – and are – completely false … We are very regretful that we did not check these accusations before broadcasting them.» Lauder’s forcing of the form of the apology led to the resignation of the channel’s news chief Reudor Benziman, its news editor Ruti Yuval, and its presenter Guy Zohar (who continues in another post in Channel 10), who criticized Lauder for the pressure he exerted. Because of the attacks, detailed above, on Lauder (who had been until then the last major funder of the channel), he decided to reconsider his financial support. If the channel lost his funding, it would have difficulty continuing to operate to its current standard past October 2011.

On November 3, 2011, The Second Authority for Television and Radio reached a decision on the issue in which it decided that the apology to Adelson broadcast by the channel was appropriate and that «no evidence has been presented that there was any intervention by the shareholders of Channel 10 on new content, or even on the text of the apology, which was agreed between the news company and the person injured by the broadcast.»

Его коллекция произведений искусства легендарна.

Хотя Рональд Лаудер добился больших успехов в мире бизнеса, он не менее увлечен искусством. Лаудер широко известен как влиятельный коллекционер произведений искусства, в его коллекции представлены одни из самых знаковых произведений искусства 20-го века

Особое внимание он уделяет коллекционированию современного искусства

Одной из жемчужин коллекции Лаудера является его значительная коллекция работ австрийского художника Густава Климта. Фактически, Лаудер сыграл решающую роль в возвращении знаменитой картины Климта «Портрет Адели Блох-Бауэр I», которая была конфискована нацистами во время Второй мировой войны. В конечном итоге картина была возвращена законному владельцу, а позже Лаудер приобрел ее, сделав центральным элементом своей коллекции.

Philanthropy And Legacy

From a political viewpoint, Ronald Lauder was responsible for the movement that introduced term limits for council positions in the New York City Council, including that of Mayor. The changes came into effect by referendum in 1993. He is also an honorary trustee for the World Monuments Fund. This non-profit organization protects heritage sites of cultural heritage, all over the world. The organization itself is based in New York City.

Ronald Lauder established the Ronald S. Lauder Foundation in 1987. The Foundation is to help those Jewish communities in Europe that were decimated during the Nazi reign. The Foundation assists to rebuild their Jewish lives, and to prepare their young citizens for success, both professionally, and personally.

Ronald Lauder also founded the Lauder Business School in Austria. He founded the school in 2003 and was also president.

Rabbit hole: Tom Ford’s “Fragrance Index” advantage

“Lipstick index” was a term coined in 2001 (after the dot-com bubble burst) by then Estée Lauder chairman Leonard Lauder in reference to the influx of makeup sales during the recession. The economic indicator was a contrarian signal: when people cut back on discretionary spending on expensive items like apparel and jewelry, they spent on “affordable luxury” like makeup.


Today, as consumers are faced with sky-high inflation and cost-of-living crisis, there’s a case to be made for a “fragrance index.”

Perfumes were a bright spot in the middle of the pandemic, where people have sought out the small “affordable luxury” and showed a growing willingness to purchase it online. Even with fears of recession now, luxury perfume sales keep rising.

In the three months ended Sept. 30, 2022, Estée Lauder’s net sales fell 11% year-over-year, largely owing to China’s zero-Covid policy, inflationary pressures, and a strong US dollar. But even in a bleaker earnings report, organic net sales in fragrance grew double digits.

Tom Ford’s fragrances, which routinely make the best perfumes list for men and women, have been propping up the multinational company’s revenues. In last quarter’s earnings, “​​Tom Ford Beauty net sales grew strong double digits, powered by launches, such as Noir Extreme Parfum and Ebene Fume, as well as organic growth in existing hero franchises like Oud Wood and Ombre Leather,” Estée Lauder noted.


Plus, it won’t have to make royalty payments on Tom Ford’s beauty arm once the deal goes through.

What do you think is Estée Lauder’s personal legacy?

It’s very inspiring. She was so ahead of her time and was so passionate about everything she did. She turned her dream into one of the most prestigious companies in the world, and she changed the world of beauty—it’s really incredible.

It personally touches me because, I think there was a phrase that she said, «I never dreamed about success. I worked for it.» Coming from Cuba and a very small town growing up, your dreams are bigger than that. You have to do something to change your path. It takes more than just dreaming about something, you have to pursue it and do something about it and be bold and brave. You have to be ahead of your time, or at least ahead of your surroundings, your situation. As a woman, I feel like that is so inspiring today. We still have to keep doing that.

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The Marilyn Monroe Blonde project is coming out soon, which everyone is very excited about. What did it mean for you to be chosen to play Marilyn as a Cuban woman, and how did you prepare to become her?

It was an incredible opportunity, and it was a very scary project to walk into. It was a very challenging process, but very beautiful. I worked closely with the director, and I watched a lot of old Marilyn movies. I listened to her interviews and studied her life. Everything I could learn about her was important for me to know. It was a big, big challenge for me as a woman, as an actor. I think any actor would have felt the same. Not being very good at the language on top of everything, because English is not my native language, the accent and her voice and everything, that added up to all the regular work that you have to do when you’re going to play someone like her that everyone knows so well. Everyone’s seen so many images of her. It was an incredible adventure, and it all came out of my deepest respect and love for her. I didn’t really know much about her until I started working on this, and she was really someone incredible. I respect her a lot.

Tell me a little bit about what your experience with beauty was like growing up? For example, did you get your nails done by pros, or was it something you did at home?

The pros? The pros were my neighbors. I remember my mother would not miss a weekend without getting her nails done. I started going with her to my neighbor’s house, she was the nail person in the neighborhood, and I started getting my nails done very, very early. Then, I did it myself, and I still do it myself sometimes, and my hands are bleeding after I’m done. But it’s been a thing that I’ve always done. I like them short. I am not a long-nail person, but I like to keep them clean and oil my cuticles.

Growing up in Cuba, the things we had and the beauty standards were pretty simple. I would say people are not very used to taking care of their skin, or being aware of having a beauty routine, or the products even if they wanted to. They just don’t have access to all the things we have here. So I grew up being more I conscious about other ways of taking care of my skin, like don’t sit in the sun too much, which I loved. My mom would not let me do that. I would just take care of it with what I had and not rely too much on products, because we didn’t have them.

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Lauder started to work for the Estée Lauder Company in 1964 as head of the international department. In 1984, he became a Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for European and NATO policy at the United States Department of Defense.

In 1986, Ronald Reagan named him as the United States Ambassador to Austria, a position he held until 1987. As ambassador, he fired diplomatic officer Felix Bloch, who later became known in connection with the Robert Hanssen espionage case.

As a Republican, he made a bid to become the mayor of New York City in , losing to Rudy Giuliani in the Republican primary (Giuliani lost to David Dinkins in the general election but defeated Dinkins in 1993). His campaign managers were Roger Ailes of Fox News and Arthur Finkelstein, a strong supporter of Richard Nixon.Michael Massing, writing of this nomination race, notes that politically Lauder ‘seemed out of step with most American Jews; … he ran to the right of Rudolph Giuliani. And, on Israeli issues, he was a vocal supporter of the Likud party, with long-standing ties to Benjamin Netanyahu.» Lauder spent $14 million of his own funds on the race. In 1994 he successfully led a campaign to place term limits on the mayor. In the Republican primary Giuliani had 77,150 (67.0%) vote to 37,960 (33.0%) for Lauder.

In 1998, Lauder was asked by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to begin Track II negotiations with Syrian leader Hafez al-Assad; these negotiations continued after the election of Ehud Barak to the post. Lauder communicated a new-found willingness on Assad’s part to make compromises with the Israelis in an overall land for peace deal, and his draft «Treaty of Peace Between Israel and Syria» formed an important part of the (ultimately fruitless) Israeli Syrian negotiations that occurred in January 2000 in Shepherdstown, West Virginia.

Lauder manages investments in real estate and media, including Central European Media Enterprises and Israeli TV. In 2010, Lauder founded RWL Water, LLC.

Израильский активизм

Лаудер неоднократно публично выступал на защиту Израиля и считается союзником премьер-министра. Биньямин Нетаньяху. В мае 2012 года он «с тревогой» отреагировал на предложение заместителя премьер-министра и министра иностранных дел Ирландии. Эймон Гилмор ввести общеевропейский запрет на импорт продуктов, произведенных в израильских поселениях на Западном берегу, что, по словам Гилмора, было «незаконным» и сделало мир между Израилем и палестинцами «невозможным». Лаудер сказал: «Такие призывы к бойкоту циничны и лицемерны. Министр Гилмор нацелен на единственную либеральную демократию на Ближнем Востоке, при этом умалчивая о тех, кто действительно сеет хаос в регионе: Асадах, Ахмадинежадах и их союзниках Хезболле и Хамасе. » Он добавил, что «территории Западного берега оспариваются по закону и не оккупированы незаконно».


Lauder, a staunch supporter of the Israeli conservative Likud party and a longtime friend of Bibi, was commissioned by Benjamin Netanyahu in 1998 to broker a peace pact between Israel and Syria which, however, despite some progress, did not lead to a resolution.

The billionaire was also an intermediary between Netanyahu and Arthur Finkelstein – one of the most influential advisers to Reagan and Richard Nixon, as well as the mastermind of the George Soros conspiracy theories , together with another adviser, George Birnbaum.

However, in 2017, Al Monitor wrote that Lauder and Netanyahu had not been in contact since 2011, after the broadcast of the report «Bibi Tours», broadcast by a channel in which Lauder was the largest shareholder at the time, because serious allegations related to the Netanyahu family’s businesses, including Bibi’s ties to various billionaires and the way his international travels were financed. Lauder, the article reads, «went from being a favorite confidant to a pariah.»


Returning to the US Republicans, Lauder – who was also one of Trump’s main supporters, as well as his college mate – according to the non-partisan observatory OpenSecrets contributed almost $ 100,000 to the Republican National Committee in 2019 to get him re-elected in the 2020 election.

And in November 2017, he also donated $2,700 directly to Trump, the maximum federal law allowed at the time.

In the last midterm elections, he invested at least 11 million dollars in support of the candidacy of Republican Lee Zeldin for governor of New York, making him according to the NYT «the most prolific state political donor in memory this fall».

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